Dr. Andrea Barco
Dr. Thomas Knebelsberger
biome-id is a start-up founded in 2017 by a team of scientists with many years of experience in the field of molecular biodiversity research.
Biome-id is a spin-off of the German Center for Marine Biodiversity Research (DZMB) at the Senckenberg am Meer Institute in Wilhelmshaven.
The team, in collaboration with the Gründungs- und Innovationszentrum (GIZ) at the University of Oldenburg, received an EXIST grant from the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy for the development of the protein-based identification of multicellular organisms.
The aim of our company is to provide modern and innovative methods for the analysis of species diversity, with the long-term goal of protecting and improving the access to natural environmental resources.
We deliver our services to environmental monitoring agencies, research institutions, regulatory bodies and industries wishing to embrace groundbreaking scientific technologies in the framework of bio-assessment.
Our services
Based on the analysis of DNA, biome-id ensures fast and reliable organism identifications. Depending on the requirements of our customers we analyze single whole or partial specimens, mixed samples or DNA from water and soil samples. We also offer a faster and more cost-efficient alternative method for the identification of organisms based on the analysis of the proteins.
Contact us to receive personalized counselling and support in designing the best solution for your project.
WIR im Norden - The economy magazine 04/2018
An article about us appearing in the Senckenberg Science Magazine
Volume 148 | Issue 07-09 2018 (in German)
The 5th of February 2018 the local newspaper Wilhelmshavener Zeitung
writes an article about us (in German)